Training course

Child protection, religiously motivated extremism and antidemocratic worldviews

In 2025, IZRD will offer 20 spots for the third time in the training course 'Child Protection, Religiously Motivated Extremism, and Anti-Democratic Worldviews.' The course is open to professionals from Berlin’s (primary) schools (teachers, school social workers, school psychologists, etc.) as well as those working in (open) child and youth services.

In eight modules, participants will learn how to classify situations in the field of radicalisation and religiously motivated extremism in the context of child protection and child welfare risks. The modules include practical training on how to strengthen the resilience of affected children and young people and how to engage in constructive discussions with parents, guardians and colleagues. In addition, participants will gain an overview of the help and support structures available in Berlin and. As a multiplier of the course contents, they will spread the expertise in their institutions and by doing so, into their work environment. The knowledge gained will be integrated into the (existing) child protection concept of the respective institution.

  • Free training course with a total of 8 in-person sessions in Berlin
  • Blended learning: each module is accompanied by e-learning for self-study + exchange opportunities
  • Online lectures with experts on specific topics (voluntary participation)
  • The course comprises a total of 64 hours (presence modules: 37h + e-learning: 21h + online lectures: 6h)
  • Recognition within the context of the Teacher Training Ordinance (Lehrkräftefortbildungsverordnung, FBLVO) by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family (Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie) possible after successful completion
  • Certificate after successful completion

Course contents

  • Dealing with religiously motivated extremism and anti-democratic worldviews
  • Identifying and classifying radicalisation factors in children and youth
  • Legal foundations on the topic of child welfare in the context of radicalisation and extremism
  • Concepts and methods for strengthening resilience
  • Gender- and diversity-sensitive work with children and young people
  • Approach working with children and youth in a way that is critical of racism
  • Working with legal guardians and the social environment
  • Transfer: Looking at related phenomena. Develop classifications and approaches to handling challenges (for example, dealing with conspiracy narratives, esotericism, so-called sects and other forms of group-related enmity)


  • Practice-oriented awareness, prepare and develop action plans in the subject area (child protection in the context of radicalisation and extremism)
  • Integrate action plans into existing child protection concepts of the institutions
  • Strengthening the confidence in action of professionals in Berlin's (primary) schools and (open) child and youth work


Module 1 | 13.05.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Religiously motivated extremism & anti-democratic worldviews

Module 2 | 20.05.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Radicalisation & resilience

Module 3 | 03.06.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Legal issues regarding child protection & dealing with riskful situations

Module 4 | 24.06.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Casework on child protection in the context of religiously motivated extremism & questions regarding anti-democratic worldview

Module 5 | 15.07.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Working with children & young people

Module 6 | 16.09.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Working with parents & involving the social environment of affected children and youth

Module 7 | 07.10.2025 (15:00 – 18:00)

Transfer to other forms of extremism & anti-democratic worldviews

Module 8 | 15. + 16.11.2025 (Saturday and Sunday, each 9:00 – 17:00)

Finalisation: Integrate the results into (existing) child protection concepts

Milestone from 2024

For the 20 graduates of our 2024 training course, we have created the poster "Child Welfare Issues with Links to Extremism." It is primarily aimed at professionals in (Berlin primary) schools to facilitate the assessment of child welfare concerns related to extremism and to provide contact points for support.

You can display it in your institution or in the staff room.

Project term until:


Funded by Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt: