counsellors in religiously motivated extremism
At the beginning of 2021, there were more than 50 projects in Germany offering distancing counselling or counselling for the social environment of people engaged in religiously motivated extremism. Next to social workers, educators and psychologists, many of these projects primarily employ social scientists. Due to the limited duration of the projects, there are also many young professionals in this field of work.
Although the organisations continuously strive to qualify and prepare their employees well for their work, new colleagues in counselling sessions frequently encounter challenges and questions. These may include how to build relationships with clients, deciding how to address certain topics, or exploring possible reasons for radicalisation. To support (prospective) counsellors and help professionalise the entire field, the IZRD has developed a methodology handbook for social environment, disengagement, and exit counselling in the context of religiously motivated extremism. In addition, the handbook offers suggestions for more experienced counsellors to sharpen their focus on the resources provided by different approaches and methods, and to further develop their own work attitude and methodology.
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The book offers an introduction to the field of work, along with various conversation and questioning techniques, as well as over 60 specific methods and exercises for different counselling session topics. It focuses on supporting clients who are directly involved as individuals seeking to distance themselves or exit, or indirectly as people from their social environment (e.g., parents, other family members, friends, and professionals) who are affected by religiously motivated extremism. This textbook is practice-oriented and has been developed from practical experience. It aims to empower counsellors to handle a range of challenges and objectives. Additionally, the textbook serves as a source of inspiration, providing content that can be adapted, discussed, and further developed for one's own work.
The majority of the methods are based on systemic counselling approaches, which are supplemented by other techniques from other schools of counselling and therapy. The approaches and methods presented also have great potential to be transferred to other related phenomena and fields of work, for example for counselling in the field of right-wing extremism, in the context of conspiracy narratives and other anti-democratic worldviews and phenomena of group-focused enmity.
The co-editor cultures interactive e.V. and the guest authors Silke Baer, Alexander Gesing, Dr. Vera Dittmar, Axel Schurbohm, Annabelle Mattick and Dr. Harald Weilnböck have contributed to the book. The book was also supported by the members of the advisory board: Kerstin Sischka, Michael Gerland, Harry Guta, Talha Taskinsoy, Zainab Fakhir, Dr. Vera Dittmar, Andrea Dänzer, Stefanie Schmolke, Marcel Komarek and Melanie Thöne. They all supported the creation of the book with their critical notes and expert knowledge.