Support us!

If you are as committed to preventing and combating extremism and group-related enmity as we are, and you would like to see the IZRD's projects expanded, then please support us with a donation.

4 Good Reasons to Support the Work of IZRD e.V.:

  • Expansion of our counselling centre: With your support, we can expand our existing counselling services, including those provided by the veritas counselling centre.
  • New Projects: Your support will enable us to develop new, innovative projects in the areas of extremism prevention and promoting democracy.
  • Increased Networking Opportunities: With your support, we can organise and host relevant events for both professionals and the general public.
  • Training and Development: Your contribution will help us regularly train and develop our staff to ensure that our projects and services are always up-to-date and of high quality.

Your donation is, of course, tax-deductible.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or by phone at +49 30 83 54 30 72.

Account holder: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Radikalisierungsprävention und Demokratieförderung e.V.
IBAN: DE77 1005 0000 0191 2146 71
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse

We greatly appreciate your trust and support for our work.

The Board of IZRD e.V.

Jens Ostwaldt, Derya Şahan, and Mirko Bode